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Enhanced Triple P


Enhanced Triple P is for parents that experience high levels of stress, poor coping ability, and/or parent conflict. Topics that will be covered include: partner relationship, communication, personal coping strategies for high-stress circumstances, and other positive parenting practices. This program lasts 6 weeks.

Este programa está diseñado para ayudar a los padres que presentan problemas familiares lidiando con el estrés y conflictos de pareja. Los módulos incluyen temas como habilidades de mejoramiento conductual y comunicación positiva. Este programa es 6 semanas.

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 Looking for Supportive Resources in Contra Costa County?

THANK YOU to the Antioch Community Foundation and the Heart of Heffernan Foundation for their contributions to the C.O.P.E. 4 Kids Mental Wellness Program for 2024-2025 programming!

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